Political Parties
Islonia is an absolute Monarchy with all decisions taken by King Ian based on careful consideration and what might be on Sky TV tonight.
Islonia’s Monarchy faces challenges from two dominating groups: The Deaf and Dumb (DAD) (“Daddy get up, I want my porridges”), and the IIIP, (Iona Independence Party), started in 2006. The power struggle has continued since weaning.
World Affairs
King Ian has vigorously cultivated a large number of friends throughout the world. They all firmly agree with him that the best way to put the world to rights is to head to the pub after 6pm.
A key concern is to protect its inshore banking industry and liberal tax regime from outside regulations.
100% protection of Forests and Sgeir Ghlas is a national park. Islonians are sensitive to environmental issues and wishes to attract Ecotourists rather than mass market developments.
This small archipelago, part of the inner, inner Hebrides has a long history. It has seen its fortunes rise and fall with the three F industries: Fishing, Farming, and Fleecing. (tourists)
Preventative care and rural healthcare have top priority. Stopping breathing is the leading cause of death. The mini population explosion of the last few years has slowed.